Sunday, December 05, 2010

Card File

In an effort to make my workday go a little smoother, I have decided to revert back to the old fashioned way of doing things. I am using a card file box from the 60's, a pile of file cards, and some file tabs to create a card file of all of my websites and blogs so that I can sort out ideas and short notes about what I will write about or things I want to include information on for each site and blog.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Office Depot Coupons

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Among the current offers in the Office Depot Coupon Codes are deals such as 15% off Office Depot brand inks and free delivery with a $50 or higher purchase at Office Depot online.

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Voynich Manuscript

Something that has held my interest for many long years, longer even than writing, is the art of bookbinding. I love the feel of books and the way they are pieced together. Recently I had the chance, thanks to my brothers, to go and visit the Origins Museum while it was set up here in Alaska, spending a good long while just studying the lovely antique books and manuscripts that were on display in the museum.

After having done some more poking around online I discovered the Voynich Manuscript and have decided that I want to attempt a replication of this manuscript. It is going to be a long process, and will only be an approximate replication since I of course can not examine the original, but there should be sufficient images online for me to make a reasonable effort at a modern copy of the manuscript.

And yes, it will be a modern copy, I do not plan on using period materials, only materials that can create a reasonable facsimile of the original materials.
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