Wednesday, November 15, 2006

ABCs for the Work at Home Mom

I normally dislike Dr. Laura - particularly when her advice yesterday to a girl wanting to know if she should raise her baby alone or keep trying to get the father to straighten up was "place it up for adoption" - she was WRONG to tell that girl that, the girl obviously loved her child and wanted what was best for it, but Dr. Laura made it seem like the only way to do what was best for the baby was to give the baby away to strangers. That is NOT right - a single parent can be just as wonderful and loving as a couple can and there are too many bitches out there killing their kids to judge a young girl that wants to love her baby and give it what's best by saying "put it out for adoption. What about the people that pen children in animal cages as a couple did to a whole group of adopted kids here in Alaska ???

Okay, I'll shut up - obviously could go on about that, but the point is not that topic, it's that Dr. Laura has a article on her site about the ABCs for the Work at Home Mom - an excerpt:

"O = Office - As Work at Home Moms, we usually put ourselves last on the list. However, when we're in business it's important to have some room (even a corner) that is set aside strictly for business.

P = Priorities - It's hard to keep your priorities straight when raising a family and building a business. Take some time each week/month to sit down and evaluate your priorities and cut out things in your schedule that don't fit in.

Q = Quiet Time - It may seem impossible to find a time to sit, relax and be quiet when you have so many demands on your time. However, it's more important than ever that you take a little time for yourself to rejuvenate and renew when you grow weary."

Author Jill Hart is the founder of Christian Work at Home Moms.


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