Friday, November 10, 2006

Work-at-Home Schemes

You've seen them before, maybe even fallen for a few of them. Work-at-home schemes are those wonderful looking opportunities that claim you can earn X amount of money working in the comfort of your own home.

I fell for one years ago, a scheme where I was asked to send in $35 for information on how I could make money stuffing envelopes from home. What I got back was information on various newspapers to run ads in and how to find other newspapers and magazines and instructions to run the exact same add I had read in those papers with my information, then send the people the same kind of package I got when they sent me my $35.

In more recent years a friend reported falling for a offer to earn money from home where the information she got after payment was to buy Google ads telling others that they could work from home for just X dollars.

Neither me or my friend did the advertising or managed to get our money back. The people that scammed me had apparently moved from the address I had fallen for the scheme at and my friend was told she had to run ads for something like 90 days and show proof she had not earned any money at all at it before she could even request a refund. She chalked it up, like I had, to lessons learned.

There are hundreds if not millions of these scams out there, promising everything from easy money through medical billing to working at home assembling products or doing craft work. The FTC works for the consumer to prevent such fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices. They offer information to help the consumer spot, stop and avoid work at home schemes.

For more information visit the Work-at-Home schemes page on the FTC website.


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