Sunday, November 19, 2006

My new part-time home business

I have decided on a home business that I am going to try my hand at. I am going to work on making polymer clay dolls. I have made polymer clay dolls many times before, but I have never made them to sell. I make them for my mom or to keep or whatever, sometimes (a lot of the time) just making them to test out making a kind of face and then smushing it back into a small ball of clay and making something else.

I've decided to do this as a part time job now, though, and got a fresh box of clay and some wires and made up some clay working tools designed specifically for the task I want to use them for. I also invested in a clay cutting knife and some liquid polymer clay.

I will add to my working tools and clay stash as the hobby turned part time job begins to pay for itself. We'll see how it goes from here. Next step is to make some figures to sell.

I'll keep you all posted on what happens and what my results are.

Wish me luck!


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