Monday, February 05, 2007

HDMI cables for the home office

If you are lucky enough to have a room in which you can spread out your home office, then chances are, like me, you want to be able to put your printer more than 3 feet away from your computer. The problem is, your choice of distances is generally 3', 6' or 12' if you are lucky enough to find a cable that long. Anything over that and you have to start using extensions and careful wiring to get the printer where you want it and then you have a poor quality signal.

Don't give up hope yet, you can get hdmi cables that let you stretch out to 10 meters that have been tested and certified to maintain a 1080p signal. Not long enough? How about 60 meters with an Equalizer set up at the end to repair the signal? Forget about setting up the office with whatever your local electronics store has in stock, go online and buy the cables you need to spread out between the back spare bedroom where your office is located and the breakfast nook where you love to work in the mornings and early afternoons.

Oh, and while you are planning this nice sprawling office, don't forget to look into HDMI wall plates. These let you get the finished look of professional installation and you can run the cables through the walls and/or basement rather than across the floor. Then just walk into the breakfast nook (or wherever you like to work when no one else is home to disturb you) and plug into your HDMI cables that lead back to your home office. Heck, put several throughout the house so you can work wherever and whenever you want.

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