Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Summer is approaching - thoughts on separating work from play

I've been excited to see the snow melting off out there. Each day I can see more and more ground. A hidden trap comes with the warmer summer months though. It's harder to sit inside and work when there is so much to be done out in the yard and the draw of going for long walks and drives is strong.

When you work at home you need to be able to be a hard boss that demands you get work done before you can go out to play. However, in many cases, you can also make the choice to work in the evening and play during the day. If your work does not require set business hours then you can take the afternoon off to go for a walk in the park with the kids or to plant a rose bush in the yard, but be sure that you make up for that missed work time in the evening.

Be careful, though, and don't get into a trap of putting off work for play to the point that you completely reverse your working hours. You want to be able to maintain the hours that you set for yourself so that your friends and family do not get confused on when they can and can not intrude on your work time.


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