Monday, July 09, 2007

They are watching you

Okay, weirdness for today. You know them sequences where the diligent employee is working hard away and they get up to go get some coffee and the lazy office worker leaning against the water cooler snares them into a discussion. Then outta nowhere the head boss of the company pokes his head out of his office just then and snaps at them to "Get back to work!" apparently not thinking the diligent worker really HAD been working?

I just had one of those experiences working at home.

Let me explain. ::snicker:: I woke up a little before 7 and was diligently working away and got up about 7:30 to go get coffee. Paused to talk to my dad, who's still laying in bed since he don't get up for a few more hours, and I hear my cell phone beep. Check the text message and it is my Cali-Friend sending me a note simply saying "You have ads to write! Get to work!" :::snickers self off chair::: Asked her how the heck she knew I had been talking to my dad and she has me paranoid with her one word answer of "SPIES!!!"

Ah yes, Mondays suck. Can't even hang out at the water cooler in your own home. LOL!


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