Thursday, December 27, 2007

When and where to work?

There is one thing that seems to make working at home particularly difficult. The make or break element of working at home. That is finding the time to work when you can work in peace, but when you are also focused enough to concentrate on your work so that you can do a good job at your job.

My work time is often very late at night and working into the early hours of the morning. It is the only time when I can turn the televisions off and escape the noise. Which means that it is the only time I can actually focus.

I am hoping that as the summer gets here and I am able to work out in the garden area on the wireless Internet I will be able to escape the noise of the television during the day and evening and will be able to get a lot more work done.

You will need to find a time when you can work undisturbed, rather that is when the household is asleep or when everyone is at school or work or wherever and you can be alone for a few hours.


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