Sunday, November 26, 2006

Dedication and Commitment

Working at home is something that takes dedication and commitment. You have to be ready to work hard and put in whatever time is required to maintain an income, even if that means having to sacrifice some things that you wanted to be able to do in order to get work commitments completed in time.

I started working at home years ago when I became the part-time caregiver for my parents. The years passed and there was more and more for me to be doing around the house, making it more and more difficult to get out and work at even a part-time job.

Writing seemed like the best field for me to get into for working, unfortunately not long after I started writing fulltime my commitments as a family caregiver increased and I found myself with precious little time to work. I was also balanced precariously on the edge of depression, which left me in a poor state for thinking through what I wanted to be able to write about.

Words seemed to come more difficultly and I was having trouble threading together the plots that had, at the beginning of my efforts, led me through a mad dash to write an 80,000 word novel in under a month.

I now found myself struggling to focus on a few thousand words and unable to find the focus needed to draw a complete short story in that framework. Writing was beginning to slip away as a potential resource for making a living, something that made me feel a sense of loss.

I love words, I love to read them and immerse myself in stories. I get that from my father, who until his stroke was an avid reader.

Determination led me to never give up my desire to somehow make writing produce an income. I may not be making a survivable income, but through determination and efforts to locate resources online for writing ad copy and short articles I have found at least a way to earn enough to help keep heating fuel in the heater or maybe buy myself something nice every once in a while.

If there is something that I have learned about working from home, it is that no matter what you do, you should follow your heart and let yourself do what you love. There may not be as much skill or talent or focus as you would like behind your work, but if you truly enjoy it and want to produce something of value to others with it, then the desire and commitment will shine through and others will appreciate your hard work and dedication and from that begins the building blocks of a successful career.


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