Sunday, January 14, 2007

Internet business website screwup #183

So I'm sitting here messing with moving onto its own little site and off of sharing space with Family C.A.R.E. and what do I moronically do? I'm still not sure just how I pulled it off, but some how in redirecting I screwed up the Family C.A.R.E. website and -- poof. It's gone. Sionara. Bye bye. I have noooo clue where it went, but it's not there any more. ::sigh:: This is very frustrating. I will need to figure out getting at the very least a redirection to put up there since I don't wanna have to rewrite the stuff I'd had on that site and don't have copies ::wails::

Let this be a warning to you all. Even if you don't mess with the website very much, always back it all up for emergency recovery from stupidity.


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