Sunday, February 25, 2007

Technical Writer

Okay, at long last I have got around to discussing technical writing. Sorry about the delay.

What is a Technical Writer? A technical writer is someone that designs, creates, and even updates as necessary, technical documents, help files, user guides, and other written material that assist in defining how a technical product (such as a program or electronic equipment) works or is used.

The primary task of the technical writer is to convey the technical workings of something in as concise and easily understood a manner as possible. The primary audience is usually non-technologically inclined end users.

Qualifications for being a technical writer are usually having a mixed background in both technical and journalism or writing. They may have degrees such as computer science, communications, or telecommunications. They should be experienced enough that they will understand what the end user of the written material will be needing.

The higher paying jobs are usually those where the technical writer is writing for the more technical savvy readership rather than for the home user that wants only to know how to turn the product on and make it do what they bought it for.

The technical writer usually works closely with developers or programmers so that the technical writer has a firm understanding of the product they are writing about and can present it properly according to the specific requirements of the product, the person that hired them, and the end user.


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