Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Is podcasting right for your business?

You have probably heard of podcasting, you might even listen to podcasts or could even have one of your own already, but how do you know if you should have one for your business? This is a question that I have asked myself a few times as I consider rather to start up a pod cast or not.

The conclusion that I have come to? If you have a business that offers information that can be delivered to a listener in a manner that allows for them to listen to you describing things on the way to work in their car in the mornings, then you probably have a business that can produce a podcast. Obviously not every business is able to support a podcast, but there are a lot of businesses that can and do maintain a podcast, so sit down and write up some ideas that you might have for shows and produce say 10 different shows. If you still have a lot of ideas for more shows chances are you can at least do a weekly podcast on it.


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