Saturday, December 15, 2007

Why did I start the home business I have?

I think that most work at home businesses probably start out from someone wanting to do something that they love. Examples would be crafts makers that turn their hobby into a business, or someone that has a love for dogs and decides to open up a home based pet related business.

My home business started out of necessity. I can not work outside the home, I have to pay bills and eat and so on, so I had to find something I could do from home to earn an income. Even part time, preferably full-time. My love is writing, it always has been. Well, my love, my one true never ending has spanned everything I have wanted to do, love is showing others the world as I see it through my eyes. I remember walking through a field by a creek in Washington as a kid and spying a spider web with droplets of water on it. I was captivated not by its beauty, but by the realization no one else would ever see that the way I saw it. Even if I ran and got my brother and brought him right back - he would never see it the way I saw it, through my eyes. I realized at that point that that was why I wanted to be a cinematographer - to show others *exactly* what I saw.

That still left something out that I would not realize for years to come. The specific "I think this when I see that" emotion of my experience. Writing filled that detail in. I could show them and let them experience all the other emotions through description in writing.

I'm fortunate that the work I must find meshed with my desire to show the world to everyone through my experiences: I am blessed, through accident, to be doing what I love as my home based business. I show people the world through my eyes.


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