Monday, May 12, 2008

Energetic puppy

I had got a two pack of those 5Hour Energy drink things the other day to try out, the first one seemed to work really good, but before I could try the second one Cheyenne, one of my puppies, got her teeth into it. I saved the bottle, which had suffered only minor damage and one puncture mark, and set it on a higher shelf. Cheyenne seems to have got it again, because it is missing. Can't even find the chewed on bottle this time. At least now I know why the little pup was racing hyper circles around her brother long after he got annoyed at her and collapsed asleep on the floor. I'm just hoping now it did not have anything in it that will make her sick, she seems healthy enough, so I think she survived the experience. Will definitely keep them things well out of her reach from now on though.


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