Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Trouble with working for yourself - no sick days allowed

One of the problems with working for yourself is that there is no one that can take over the work when you are unable to work due to illness or pain, that means you have to work rather you are physically able to work or not.

That is the point where I am at the moment, working even though I do not feel physically or mentally competent to be working. The other morning I started getting a toothache, by the next morning my face was starting to swell up, so I went to see the doctor at the Urgent Care Clinic. After a long lecture about how he could not fix the problem and I had to see a dentist he gave me a prescription for amoxicillin (which fixes the problem) and sent me on my way.

This morning my face was swollen even worse with a fever of 101.4, but it began getting better and while my face is still badly swollen at the moment, my temperature is back down to 98.6 as I am writing this.

All I want to do is curl up and go to sleep, but I need to work and I need to take another dose of medicine in about an hour, so I am going to stay up and get some work done while I wait for it to be time to take my medication, then I'll get some sleep.


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