Sunday, February 14, 2010

Tracking Receipts

Those of us that work from home are already very aware of the approach of tax season. As I get ready for this tax season I have come to realize that I really do need a better way to keep track of my old receipts. Especially now that I am going to be running two small businesses from home (three if you count my work as a family caregiver). At the moment my filing system is pretty much tuck the receipts into a pencil box. That is not working.

I am not sure just what method I will be using, but I know I need a new method, so am looking for any suggestions anyone might have on how to keep track of work receipts.

I’m not so much interested in advice on the entry into a spreadsheet type of tracking, although I welcome that as well. What I need help with is what to do with the actual physical receipt to file it away after it has been entered into a spreadsheet.

How do you store your old business receipts?


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