Sunday, November 26, 2006

Cloisonne Balls - or, Mystic Chinese Chiming Balls

The Mystic Chinese Chiming Balls are a wonderful way to both relax the hands after typing and soothe frazzled nerves. I have a chrome set of chiming balls on my desk that I use to relax aching fingers after a long day of typing at the computer.

The iron balls have been used by the Chinese for hundreds of years. Originally solid, the chime balls were later made hallow with a chime mechanism inserted into each. One being a high note, and the other a low note. According to Chinese medicine, the fingers are connected to the major organs, including the heart. Acupressure points in the hands are stimulated by proper use of the mystical Chime balls, thus promoting improved blood flow and relaxed muscles and joints.

The chime balls are held in one hand and slowly rotated in the palm, producing a pleasant chime sound as they slip past one another in a rhythmic pattern that gently stimulates the acupressure points of the palm.

Find a set of chime balls that will fit easily in your hand and can be smoothly rotated. They are inexpensive, ranging in price from $5 to $10 as a general rule, and can offer a relaxing focus when the day and work seems to be wearing you down.


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