Saturday, April 21, 2007

Good snacks for the home office

Okay, I am on a kick again of I need to loose weight, so I am pondering what would be good for things that can be kept in the home office to curtail a trip to the kitchen where one might encounter cans of cake frosting and potato chips.

I'm thinking things that can last at least a day so they can be set out on a tray in the morning and munched on as desired.

One thing I am thinking is a small snack bar in the office where I can keep bottled water and some of them little single serving packets of Crystal light to dump in it if desired. Maybe a box or two of them 100 calorie packs in something that will give you energy to keep going instead of a fast sugar rush that packs on the pounds and drops you ten minutes later.

I need to hit the store and see what sort of things I can find that fit the bill. Also need some kind of little ice chest or something for the water to keep it cool.


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