Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Cabinet lighting

Working on the office I have got a bunch of new tools for building my shelves, and I came up with a scheme. I have some wiring and doll house lights that I was going to use to rewire a doll house - I think I am maybe going to wire them all in and use them to make my shelving on my desk illuminated. My other option is to go down and buy some hocky-puck under cabinet lighting. I may decide to do that instead. Right now I need to decide where the lights will go on the shelves so I can router in the grooves for the wire to run through and get the holes drilled out on the shelves to where the lights will be located.

Think I need to buy a longer drill bit - don't think I have one long enough to go to where I need the hole on the shelf. Need to check that out.


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