Monday, October 22, 2007

Neglecting blog, but got new Vaio to help me keep up now

Okay, I admit it, I have been very bad about updating this blog. I have been busy with getting ready to attend the BlogWorld and New Media Expo in Las Vegas and that has meant that I have been having a hard time keeping things going in areas that I am not specifically focused on.

I do have a new toy that I do not believe I have mentioned over here yet. Something that will help me keep up with my writing and other work. I bought myself a little Sony Vaio the other day when I went to town. I have been in desperate need for a new laptop and when I saw the Vaio about a week ago in the local Wal-Mart I just fell in love with it. I went back down a few days ago and bought it for myself, a nice little sleek black and gray computer with a footprint smaller than a sheet of printer paper, less than 1" thick and weighing in at a mere 2.3 pounds. As I told one of my friends, I have standard spiral bound notebooks that are bigger and heavier than this little laptop. I love it. It is going to be so nice to have it going down to the conventions, and right now it is wonderful for taking along when I have to take my dad in for physical therapy sessions. He can go in for the physical therapy and I sit in the waiting area and work on my novel.

The Alphasmart is still my tool of choice for hiking or taking along on my bike or my ATV, but this little laptop is going to be invaluable for business travel and keeping up with my work when I can not stay home and work.


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