Thursday, December 06, 2007

Survival tips for working at home and the holidays

The holidays are here, and you work at home... how do you survive? I don't know about the rest of you out there, but it seems like the holiday season is slowly bowling me over with stress and too much to do. How do we get everything that needs to be done done and still stay sane?

Here are a few tips I came up with for surviving the holidays with your sanity, and your home business, intact.

First off, sleep. I know, I know, I am not exactly the most shining example on this, but getting enough sleep can help you to stay focused and get things done more smoothly. It is hard to get the tree up straight when you can't keep your eyes open.

Spread the work load out some. Do you have several kids or other family members that you bought things for? Instead of doing all the wrapping enlist some elves to wrap presents for you. Maybe you can pay them a little extra for their helping you out with this task while you work on your business stuff?

Let the kids decorate the tree, then resist the urge to redo it so it looks perfect. Would Santa really leave if there were more candy canes on the 3' and under mark than there are up high on the tree? Or if someone had color sorted the glass balls so the tree looks like a huge stoplight?

Shop Online while you can. One way to make this all go smoother is to take advantage of shopping online through stores that allow for local pickup of items and that lets you shop in local stores online. Looking for hard to find or large things like a new television or a Playstation 3? Check out for a great place to compare prices on those items in your local stores.

Let someone else make the holiday dinner, or have a buffet. Instead of cooking a huge dinner like you do at Thanksgiving, have the holiday season be a more relaxed event with a simple snack buffet or a potluck dinner.

Have older kids put up the outdoor lights. If your kids are old enough to be safe on a ladder, then let them decorate the outside of the house this year. Keep a close eye on things, just to be sure there are no accidents, but allow them to do everything from untangling and testing the old lights to deciding where in the yard the inflatable snowman should be put.


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