Friday, September 12, 2008

Hoping to finish office rebuild soon

Those who have been following the exploits of Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as she settles into her new role of McCain's running mate will probably have heard by now that we Alaskan's get a dividend for living in the State of Alaska - the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend. I know there is at least one other State that gives it's residents a dividend, but I am not sure which one it is... seems like it's up toward Main somewhere in that area? -- anyway, that's off the subject. Today is the day that we got that money if it was being deposited into a bank account, and while I have a lot of bills I have to pay (including one for my emergency room visit regarding my bad teeth last summer), I am hopeful that there will be enough left over that I can buy the lumber I need to finish building my office shelves. I'm sitting here in a half finished office and going insane because things I want to reach for, that should be "right there" are not yet there. The shelf / cubby / hook they go on is not yet in place. So, I am waiting, patiently, for the chance to find out if I can buy building stuff for the office. Should be able to afford at least enough lumber to put in a few shelves for putting my printer and the paper and ink that goes with it on.

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