Tuesday, November 11, 2008

SEO for Real Estate

You've seen those infomercials on late at night saying you can make money in real estate, talking about buying property that is run down and fixing it up, or buying property that has gone into foreclosure, or picking up government auctions on land that has unpaid taxes... I've seen all of those and thought more than a few times about trying my hand at buying and selling real estate. Me and mom had talked about buying houses to fix up and resell, thinking it would be a good way to pay off the money owed against my parents' house. After she died I kind of let the idea slide, but I have been wondering if I should not look into it again.

With some good strategies for Internet Marketing for Real Estate and a few affordable houses picked up that can be resold, I could see the possibility of turning a little real estate investing into possible profits as a second business.

The trick for me, given that my work is all in the online world, would be to learn some good Real Estate Search Engine Optimization tricks that could be used to move the property toward where potential buyers could find it after I have got it ready for reselling. I'm not exactly sure what all differences there are between Real Estate SEO and SEO for say a home business blog like this one, but I do know that when you have something that you want people to see, you need more than passing knowledge of SEO tricks and techniques for your chosen site.

It will be a while before I can think about getting some property to test out my schemes with, but I am hoping that by this time next year I'll be in a position to - if I decide to go for it - I can have a piece of property that I can use for improving and reselling to help me pay off my parents' house.

This post was sponsored by SEM Worldwide


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