Monday, September 27, 2010

Working from home and sick days

The good thing about working from home is that when you are sick, you can make up your own mind on rather you should be working that day or call in sick. At least, that is the theory. Now as for the reality...

There are no sick days. You can't be paid to be sick, and if you are going to keep income flowing, then you need to be working steadily at your work, otherwise you are going to end up losing money hand over fist if you fail to get your work done because you 'don't feel like working'.

I'm sitting here typing this with a nasty head cold that has me coughing, sipping hot tea and home made lozenges for a sore throat, and - on occasion - sneezing hard enough my glasses fly over the Kleenex I catch the sneeze on and land between the keyboard and monitor on the desk.

Miserable does not even begin to cover the way that I am feeling, but I don't have anyone that can fill in for me, so here I am, sipping tea and hugging Kleenex, and getting my writing done rather than calling in sick.

That's what it means to work from home.

Now, the good news? If I decide that I just can not do my work now, if it is not on a deadline I *can* put it off a few hours, or I can take my laptop and curl up on the sofa to work. Those are luxuries only the sick- I mean work at home types tend to enjoy. Yeah, hard as it is, I love working from home. Especially when my dad's cat Demon curls in my lap to try to make me feel a bit better.


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