Saturday, May 07, 2011

Take charge - Starting a Small Business

In the Starting a Small Business posts earlier, I asked "Do you prefer to have someone else tell you what needs doing, or do you step forward and take charge when something needs to be done?"

Someone that runs a small business needs to be able to tell themselves what needs to be done. They can not sit around and wait for someone else to say "You need to do this" because there is no one else around that can tell them that. The owner of the small business or home based business needs to be able to tell themselves what needs to be done and to oversee themselves as they do it, and perhaps most important, they need to assure that they do their best work possible.

Repeat customers and referrals come from happy customers. So early on the small or home based business owner needs to develop the habit of stepping up and getting the work done to the best of their ability, and doing each job as good as or better than the last job.



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