Creating a website - part 1
The first step that you have to decide about your on-line business is what it is. Are you an affiliate for a site such as Amazon where you post links to books in a specific category? Do you have an affiliate site that lists only Norman Rockwell posters from AllPosters? Maybe your website is used to sell your own artwork or hand-made dolls? Do you want to create a site for quilters that has AdSense ads on it? Or a site for your group or club that allows them to raise money for something?
Whatever the business is that you are going to be running over the Internet you need to do some work to define it and the market you will be targeting.
So, that is your goal for this week:
- Define your business and the target market for it. -
Example 1:
Business Name: Work at Home Newsletter
Business Type: Newsletter delivered via blog posts
Target Market: People seeking to work on-line from home
Who I am not targeting: Anyone that creates SPAM sites - All advertising no content
How does this business support itself?: Through AdSense ads and selected advertisements from select advertising sites with some select affiliate marketing links.
What are my principles in regards to this site?: I want to provide readers with genuinely useful information that they can learn from and use to grow their own on-line businesses. I want to be selective in the advertising that I present to the readership, maintaining a commitment not to advertise products that I do not feel would be of interest to the readership and providing to the best of my capability the clearest and most accurate representation of products/services/websites and other advertised or contextually linked services/websites/products as I can.
What is my commitment to the site?: I am committing thirty minutes to one hour a day to the upkeep of the site and as much time as is requires every Sunday for the writing of specific articles that will target the needs of small business owners doing business on the Internet. It is my goal to have the articles published by evening in Alaska so that they will be ready for viewing by readers early in the morning on Monday to allow them to, if they desire, start their work week with the most pertinent post from the Work at Home Newsletter.
Example 2:
Business Name: Family C.A.R.E. (Family Caring for America's Retired and Elderly)
Business Type: Blog and website
Target Market: Family Caregivers - particularly those caring for one or both parents
Who I am not targeting: professional caregivers such as nurses or home health aids
How does this business support itself?: Through AdSense ads and some select affiliate marketing links on both the blog and the website; though selected advertisements from select advertising sites on the blog.
What are my principles in regards to this site?: As a full-time family caregiver I want to provide a means for other caregivers to share their experience and knowledge with their peers and build a resource for those new to what I believe to be the highest stress unpaid job in the world. I want to be selective in the advertising that I present on both the blog and the website, determined to maintain a commitment to present only products that I feel would be of interest to the readership and providing, to the best of my capability, the clearest and most accurate representation of products/services/websites and other advertised or contextually linked services/websites/products as I can.
What is my commitment to the site?: I am committing thirty minutes to one hour a day each to the upkeep of the website and the blog. In addition I will commit as much time as is required every Friday for the writing of specific articles that will target the specific needs and concerns of family caregivers. It is my goal to have the articles published by evening in Alaska so that they will be ready for viewing by readers early in the morning on Saturday to allow them to, if they desire, start their weekend with the most pertinent information.
Business Name:
Business Type:
Target Market:
Who I am not targeting:
How does this business support itself?:
What are my principles in regards to this site?:
What is my commitment to the site?:
Next week: Next week I want to get into the mechanics of starting to design your site or, if you already have one, revising it to create the site that you envision.