Thursday, December 28, 2006

Five tips for working at home

I figured that I would offer up a few tips that I have figured out over the years when trying to work at home. They are not going to be amazing revelations, just a few things I have found work for me.

1. Go to bed early, but stay up late. People tend to leave you alone if they think you have gone to bed, so say that you are going to bed thirty minutes to an hour before you actually get in bed and go to sleep. This can often give you a little while of uninterrupted work time.

2. Get up early. If you are fortunate enough to be able to rise an hour or so before the rest of your family, you can use this quiet time before the televisions are turned on to get some work done. I love to work early in the morning since I do not have the distractions of noise from other parts of the house.

3. Take small tasks with you when you have to go somewhere. Need to write a series of blog posts? Revise a list of things you need to do over the next week? Double check your appointments calendar? Take it with you take someone to the store or go to the bank or visit the doctor's office and work on it while you wait.

4. Keep track of everything with a good filing system. Get in the habit of entering expenses and earnings into a ledger and recording when you expect a payment or what you need to get done and who you need to do it for. To Do lists are one of the most useful things you will ever master.

5. Roll with the interruptions. Learn the skill of multitasking and if possible get as much of a thought down as possible before you have to go deal with something else. Even if it is cryptic or typed with mass typos. Even if you jot it on your hand while you walk down the hallway. The important part is to remember what you were thinking and be able to get back into the groove as smoothly as possible after the interruption has been dealt with.


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