Friday, May 16, 2008

Work in Online Advertising

I was reading things on my iGoogle RSS feeds and found my way to an entry by Work at Home Success where someone asked if there were any no cost jobs for " entry online simple ad placing...". I was rather disappointed on reading the answer to the inquiry, Leslie Truex informed the person that there was no way to get work placing ads online unless they had special experience, and they they should "...scratch ad placing off the list of options, as I haven’t ever seen this offered as a legitimate job."

Now, granted that this article does bear a 2006 copyright date on it, but I would think that anyone that wanted to offer solid work at home advice would provide an update to the article - which I found on the front page as one of the two "top articles".

With the ever changing landscape of the Internet, there is indeed legitimate work from home jobs in ad placement now on the Internet. Companies such as PayPerPost, Blogsvertise, and Smorty allow anyone that has a firm desire to make money through online ad placement the opportunity to place advertising on blogs with very simple startup requirements.

For most of these companies all that is required is a blog that is over 3 months old, is updated on a regular basis with good posts, and is listed in major search engines such as Google. Each network has different requirements, and getting started does not have to be expensive. In fact, someone can get started on most of these services with a free blog and move to a domain after they have earned enough to make the move.

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