Saturday, January 21, 2012

Being Home

Thanks for the post from Barney Crosby

There’s something really great about being home with the kids all day because I’m always sure I’m not missing any of their big life moments, you know? I love them so much and I worry about their wellbeing so it’s hard for me to imagine them being in daycare or something like that because I want to make sure I can handle anything that might come up with them. I recently went to to look into home internet solutions because I’d like to be able to find something I can do from home, too. it’s nice to have me home but we’re really missing that second income and it would be great if we could find a way to get a little extra money coming in and still allow me to be a mommy full time. I know my kids don’t realize now how great it is to have their mom around all the time but hopefully when they’re adults they’ll realize how much I gave up to be there for them!

What are the best work at home jobs for 2012?

Everyone wants to find more work, but what are the best jobs for someone to get involved in in 2012?

While it is currently the focus of a LOT of debate, the Internet remains a good place for working from home. Multiple sites allow people to work online from anywhere.

Crafting: Create home made crafts and sell them on crafter sites or auction sites.

One Man's Junk, Another Man's Treasure: Create artwork from junk, or haunt rummage sales and local storage auctions to find junk that you can then sell in online auctions and on your own online website.

Local Tourist Guide: Do you know your local area and it's history up down and sideways? You might consider what is involved in being a group guide for local tourism stuff.

What ideas do you have for what jobs might be a good one for 2012 startups?

Where do jobs come from? Appaerntly from Presidental hopefuls

Listening to the Republican party debate, they are where jobs come from and without them there can be no jobs. One of them swore that he would get every adult kid a job and move them out of their parent's house if he was elected president.

Uh, yeah... where is he getting the jobs that allow for someone to support themselves out on their own with a mortgage and utilities and food and and and...

I'm not sure how he thinks he can immediately make all adult kids self supporting - unless he plans to make it illegal to live at your parents house after age 18? Maybe that's it. Maybe he thinks he can pass a law that anyone over age 18 and living with their parents is arrested and placed in work camps until they are self sufficient?
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