Wednesday, June 18, 2008

PDA medical dictionary

Small business owners know the power of having a PDA that can help them keep track of everything associated with their business. As both a small business owner and a full-time family caregiver I know that being able to find tools that can help with multiple aspects of my life is invaluable.

Epocrates has a PDA medical dictionary that they created for doctors that want to be able to cross reference possible drug interactions when writing new prescriptions for patients. With the medical dictionary loaded onto their PDA, doctors are able to check patients current prescriptions for any potential interactions on new prescriptions.

The usefulness of such a PDA medical dictionary for family caregivers running their own business is easy to see, allowing the caregiver to have not only their important business records and documents, but the records and documents on their care recipient's medicine conveniently stored in a single device that can slip into a pocket or purse.

This announcement was paid for by Epocrates.


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