Sunday, November 30, 2008

Almost the end of the year already?

I can't believe that the year is almost over. One more month left to 2008. The past few months have moved by in a haze, completely unfocused and just drifting. I need to get things all pulled back together though, get my business sorted out and start collecting together the stuff I'll need for filing my taxes the start of the year.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Allegro Medical

It seems like working from home goes hand in hand with doing other things from home as well, such as shopping online from the comfort of your own home. One of the things that I have found it can be hard to find is home health care products. When I have found them, I have generally found an item here or there in several different pharmacies, medical rental stores or sport shops. has everything collected together in one easy to shop location, offering over 55,000 products on their website sorted into categories based on brand names, conditions, even based on parts of the body. Shopping for medical supplies at is easy and with their free eCatalog you can get specials and limited time offers to help you save even more. has been serving the needs of home health care since 1998 and currently serves over 1 million customers.

What is your work at home job?

I'm curious about what others do in their work from home jobs. Do you work from home? If so, what kind of work do you do?

I've known people that work from home as writers, magazine publishers, house cleaners, crafters, and all kinds of other jobs from home - I'd like you to share with us what it is that you do as a home based business - or what it is that you would like to do from home.

Share your work, or your dream job, in a comment here:

Office a mess

I have decided that my office needs to be officially declared a national disaster site. The thing is just a total and complete mess to the point that I don't even know where to start cleaning on it.

I need to just empty it out tonight of everything that I do not need first thing tomorrow morning, and start over from scratch on what goes where. It seems like even though stuff seemed to be good where it was put when I organized the office, every time I get something to use it, I put it somewhere other than where I got it from.

So I just have to figure out where things should go based on my use of them and put them all there. That's going to take days to do.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Las Vegas Shows

For those looking to get away to Las Vegas for a much earned vacation from work, taking in a few shows is often a must. If you wait until you are in Las Vegas, however, there is a high chance that you will not be able to see the shows you want to see. Many shows, particularly the most popular ones, sell out and the only way to be sure that you will actually get to see the ones you want to see is to buy your tickets in advance through a site such as offers site visitors descriptions and pictures of Las Vegas Shows to help them in selecting the perfect shows to see during their Las Vegas vacation.

Working at home is tough, and there are not as many chances to get away and relax as it seems like there would be, so make sure that you make the most of any vacation time you do get and that you get the tickets you need to see the shows you want to see.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Work at home for the family caregiver

Working at home is a very difficult job, one that is made infinitely more difficult when it is paired with the stress and lack of sleep and everything else that comes with being a full-time family caregiver.

I'm working my backside off, and yet, everything I try to do takes not only hours longer than it should, but days longer than it should. Even the simplest of tasks, that should only take me an hour to get done, have proven to take me several days to decipher and get accomplished.

I need to start getting more sleep, but to do that I first need to get someone that can help me with providing care for my dad while I get that sleep.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Virtual office

I have got my virtual office almost finished. A place where I can see what work I have to get done and by a click of a link go to whatever task or program or anything else I need to do for a given day of work. I'm extremely jazzed by how well it is starting to come together and encourage anyone that works online or on the computer to create their own virtual office area. I will share details about what it is when I get the time to finish it and it is ready for sharing with others.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

SEO for Real Estate

You've seen those infomercials on late at night saying you can make money in real estate, talking about buying property that is run down and fixing it up, or buying property that has gone into foreclosure, or picking up government auctions on land that has unpaid taxes... I've seen all of those and thought more than a few times about trying my hand at buying and selling real estate. Me and mom had talked about buying houses to fix up and resell, thinking it would be a good way to pay off the money owed against my parents' house. After she died I kind of let the idea slide, but I have been wondering if I should not look into it again.

With some good strategies for Internet Marketing for Real Estate and a few affordable houses picked up that can be resold, I could see the possibility of turning a little real estate investing into possible profits as a second business.

The trick for me, given that my work is all in the online world, would be to learn some good Real Estate Search Engine Optimization tricks that could be used to move the property toward where potential buyers could find it after I have got it ready for reselling. I'm not exactly sure what all differences there are between Real Estate SEO and SEO for say a home business blog like this one, but I do know that when you have something that you want people to see, you need more than passing knowledge of SEO tricks and techniques for your chosen site.

It will be a while before I can think about getting some property to test out my schemes with, but I am hoping that by this time next year I'll be in a position to - if I decide to go for it - I can have a piece of property that I can use for improving and reselling to help me pay off my parents' house.

This post was sponsored by SEM Worldwide

OOAK Figures

I have been working on a tiny dollhouse sized OOAK polymer clay doll. I want to finish off the doll I had been making, but I have found myself at a standstill on that as I wait to find black leather. It is perhaps the most annoying of standstills because I had some black leather, and can not find it anywhere. And the stored in town that had sold black leather no longer sell the stuff apparently because I can not find it anywhere in town either. So, while I wait to find the leather I need, I am working on another figure, this one scaled small at the 1/12th scale used in dollhouses.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Considering second home business

I was talking to my brother-in-law last night as we were driving into town. I want to start up a second business, but I am not 100% sure just what I should start up. I am leaning either toward OOAK Artist Dolls or Handbound Books. I need to look into both ideas, as well as maybe a few other ideas, and see what makes the most sense for me. Right now I have a lot of other work I need to do, writing and getting a fireplace installed, so the research on job stuff will have to wait for a little while.
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