Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Message from personal injury lawyers O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath

With all of the great things about working for yourself, one of the major drawbacks is the lack of a good health care plan. It is all on your shoulders to make sure that you have good health care, so when something goes wrong, you need to be prepared. I have bum joints in my legs, both hips and knees, so it is quite likely that one of these days in the years to come, I might find myself in need of hip replacement surgery. I do not like the thought of it, but then things like the August 26, 2010 DePuy Orthopedics recall happen and I am made even less happy about the prospect of one day needing hip replacement surgery. I hate the thought of going through it once, but to possibly have to go through it twice - on the same hip? No thank you.

And yet, that is what happened to many people that had the ASR XL Acetabular Hip System and the DePuy ASR Hip Resurfacing System used in their hip replacement surgery. The issue affected surgeries performed after July 2003, and the Depuy recall was a voluntary recall issued by DePuy after the problems were discovered where roughly 1 in 8 hip replacement patients were requiring a second surgery within five years of their initial surgery.

The law offices of personal injury lawyers O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath, would like to invite you to contact them, information below, or to visit their website at the included link, and find out how they can assist you with your liability claim if you had hip surgery involving a DePuy product after July 2003.

O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath
Personal Injury Lawyers
808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701
Phone: 512-494-9949

This post was sponsored by O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath

Sometimes a course correction needs to be corrected.

It has been a rocky year for me. A few years actually. In 2008 my work was on the decline because of the faltering economy, then my mom passed away and I all but had to stop my work. I started getting things back up and going, slowly but steadily, and a few months ago I finally got everything back up and starting to stabilize itself - then my dad's health started to falter. I spent more time begging family for help than working on my business, and once again, my business nose dived down to where I was not able to do any of my work.

I placed very serious consideration into ceasing my job at home as a freelance writer, even wrote up a plan for how to smoothly go out of business over the next few months until tax time when I would close down my home business and file one last tax return for it.

In the time since my father passed away I have been thinking seriously once again about my work, and while it is tempting to go ahead and stop working at home - particularly since I need to locate a steady job that has a reliable paycheck attached to it, I also know that what I am doing, writing as a living, has been something I wanted for a very long time, and it was something that my parents were both very proud of me for achieving. I'm not going to stop just because I've been stumbling. It is time to pick myself up and sweep off the dust from the trail and keep trudging along it.

So, this is the continuing journey of my efforts to support myself through my love of writing, and what I learn along the way.
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