Thursday, June 09, 2011

Topamax Lawsuit

On March 4 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a safety announcement on their intention to reclassify topiramates such as Topamax from Pregnancy Category C drugs, that may cause birth defects, to Pregnancy Category D drugs that have shown positive evidence for risks to the fetus of women who take the drug while pregnant.

The announcement is based on new information collected from human data since the drug was released. Birth defects such as cleft palates are reported and would occur during the first trimester of pregnancy, when many women may not yet realize they are pregnant.

If you took Topamax while pregnant, personal injury lawyers O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath would like to invite you to contact them for a consultation. You could have just cause to file a Topamax lawsuit for compensation to assist in paying the costly medical bills needed to treat your child's birth defect.

O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath
Personal Injury Lawyers
808 West Avenue
Austin, TX. 78701

phone: 512-494-9949

Note that in their safety announcement the FDA stated that there are cases where the risks of taking Topamax, and other topiramates, by pregnant women may be acceptable due to the specific benefits of the drug in the treatment of epileptic seizures.

The 'Go the F to Sleep' success story

It might be a surprising title, particularly or what looks on first seeing it like a children's book, but the book published by Akashic Books has even more surprises than the title

Check out the story at CNN Money to find out about "Go the F to Sleep" and see the 'children's book' style cover.

Written by Adam Mansbach and illustrated by Ricardo Cortes, the book is in truth a book for adults dealing with getting children to go to sleep.

Another surprise for this little book with the eye opening title is that pre-orders for it have sent it skyrocketing up's bestseller list.

CNN Money advises business owners to forget Angry Birds and get these 5 best apps

CNN Money looked at the 5 best applications for businesspeople on the go. Their suggestions can be found in 5 best apps for business.

Their suggestions range from an application that allows you to track your expenses on the go, to meeting applications, a even a presentation application to let you create charts and graphs.

Do you have a smartphone? If so UI would love to know what applications do you find indispensable as a home based or small business owner.


On March 4, 2011 the FDA issued a safety announcement regarding the risks of women taking Topamax (topiramate) while they are pregnant. New data determined that the drug, formally classified as a Pregnancy Category C drug, should instead be reclassified as a Pregnancy Category D drug. Raising it from a drug that studies had suggested had a potential for risk to fetuses to a drug that showed positive evidence for risks to the fetus based on data gathered from human usage.

Many women who were prescribed this medication might have been unaware they were even pregnant at the time, the first trimester, that the drug would have caused oral defect damage to the fetus. The law office of O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath would like to alert parents of children born with a cleft palate due to the use of Topamax during pregnancy that such birth defects might not be the parents' fault. Instead it could be the result of a known risk of taking the prescription medication and there might be justifiable cause for a Topamax lawsuit, and encourage parents of children born with a cleft palate, and the mother took Topamax, to contact their office for a free consultation:

O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath
Personal Injury Lawyers
808 West Avenue
Austin, TX. 78701

phone: 512-494-9949

Note that the FDA stated in their safety announcement that there are cases where the risks of taking Topamax, and other topiramates, may be acceptable due to the specific benefits of the drug in the treatment of epileptic seizures.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

iPad Cash Register from Square

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey is behind a new startup designed to help business owners abandon their cash registers.

The new iPad application for businesses allows you to use your iPad as a cash register. You can see more information on it at This app allows you to customize your iPad with products and services, complete with photographs and prices, into sortable categories. When a customer makes a purchase you are able to conduct either a cash or credit card transaction.

To make a sale via credit card simply use the small square reader, it plugs into the headphone jack, to swipe the credit card. Customers sign their name directly onto the iPad touch screen and you can send them a receipt via text message or email. Customers even have the option to add in a tip when they sign the receipt.

This is more than just a sales app, it allows you to view a full report of your sales to better track your inventory and sales. Don't wait until you see excess inventory piling up to know what products are not selling as well as others that you can not keep enough of on hand.

This app also brings you closer to your customers. Imagine the capability to allow certain customers to open a tab using their phones. Being able to offer specials and sales.

If you are in the market for an iPad for your business, then you should really check out what it can do with the Square Register app.

Bad advertising

I was looking up an article on using the iPad as a cash registrar for small businesses, and encountered one of the worst ads I have seen yet. And it was on MSNBC.

This is a screen shot of the ad and how it showed up on my computer...

The full screen length ad floated so that as I scrolled up or down the ad moved to stay in the way on the screen. It also, as you can seem messed up the page's formatting so that the page was unreadable even if the ad had not stayed over one third of the page.

This is why I do not put pop up type ads or things similar to it on my websites. They are annoying. When you advertise or place ads on a website, please keep in mind what they might do and the response your viewers might have to the advertising.
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