Tomorrow is my first Saturday Market and I am so far from being ready it is not even funny. To make matters worse, the water heater won't work, I'm going to have to sort that out in addition to getting everything else ready tonight. ::pounds head on desk::
The past couple of days were messed up and I lost at least one full day because of that chaotic disaster, but I won't say anything about it all here. This is about my business, so I'll keep to the topic. One SNAFU is that night before last I busted my glasses riding back home on my ATV after delivering medications for my dad to my sister's place. Dark trail, fogged 12 year old glasses, loose lens... and a rock. I found 2 small pieces of the lens. Be a while before I'll be able to afford new glasses.
Tomorrow should be interesting without glasses to see what I'm doing. At least I can see things that are close up, if I squint a lot.
Tonight I need to get together samples of my quilting (having fun finding that without being able to see), my quilting books so people can have idea sources, print up some contracts and quilt design pages, print some business cards, print "Display only, not for sale" cards for the things I take as samples... and I am not sure what all else. Thankfully the stuff is mostly made up on computer and just needs printed. Don't wanna squint at computer screen making things.
Might, if I have time, make some trifolds that people can take, dunno yet.
My plan for tomorrow is basically show what I have (but won't sell cause they're already spoken for) and see if anyone's interested in ordering things. I have a few things to sell, but am mainly on a mission to see if my plan for a "You design it, I'll build it" quilting business would work or not, so all I really need is things to show what my craftsmanship is like and some stuff for folks to use for enlisting my services to make them a quilt.
Might take some of my handbound books and stuff I've made from Polymer clay along, dunno yet though. I'll have to take it all on my ATV, since car I had been gonna use ain't here no more (long story).
Need to get back to work now, will post info on what happened when I get home tomorrow.
Almost forgot.... I can't get ahold of my sister - I have no idea if I have anyone to take care of dad while I'm at the Saturday Market or not. Her husband made it sound last night like they weren't going to be able to take him, even though she'd said a week and a half ago it was a given they take him all Saturdays this summer. :::pounds head on desk:::
Labels: Business, home, new, quilting, start-up