It can be hard at times to figure out if you actually have a home office or not, so the Work At Home Newsletter presents this fun little unscientific quiz to help you determine if you work from home or not. Please note that this is a for fun quiz and is not meant to be verifiable proof for the IRS that you have a home office deduction.
So, score yourself based on the following questions and check your results at the end.
1) Do you ever have to clean spilled Lucky Charms up off the presentation that you left laying on the kitchen table?a - did that this morning, and yesterday, and the day before, and... umm.. can I just say 'yes'?
b - a time or two, but the kids are generally good about not eating at the table when my work is there
c - once, then I stopped setting important things on the dining table
d - what would my presentation be doing on the dining room table?
e - what would my presentation be doing at my house?
2) Have you ever found items that are required for your work in your children's bedroom?a - just got back from retrieving a missing item I found in the kid's bedroom
b - a time or two, but the kids are generally good about not going into my office
c - once, then I got them their own version of whatever they filched
d - what would my work stuff be doing where the kids might get it?
e - what would my work stuff be doing at my house?
3) Have you ever had to stop working because of a skinned knee?a - yes
b - sometimes
c - occasionally, not often
d - nope, never hear about the skinned knees
e - I get told about it when I get home
4) Where do you eat lunch?a - dining table surrounded by work
b- at my dining table which is less than a thirty second walk from my office
c - bagged lunch in my office
d - a local cyber cafe
e - bagged or purchased in the office lunchroom
5) When did you take this quiz?a - when I should have been working
b - after I finished working for the day
c - while reading all my e-mails work and personal
d - during my lunch break
e - on my iPhone stuck in a traffic jam
Look for what you have the most of in your answers and that is probably a reasonable identifier of your qualification for saying in a casual conversation "I have a home office".
Mostly A's -
You might have a home office, but it is not fully dedicated yet. Likely it is one that moves from room to room in your home.Mostly B's -
You probably have a home office, and you probably keep a tight leash on separating office and personal stuff.Mostly C's -
Chances are that you have a home office, but your work tends to leak out into the rest of the home as much as it remains in the officeMostly D's -
Hard to say. You might just work outside the home and bring your work home on occasion.Mostly E's -
why did you take this test? It is most likely you have a office outside the home and are planning on having a home office someday and wanted to see what to expect.Please note this is highly unscientific and was written while the writer was still blurry eyed and sipping her first cup of coffee in the morning after staying up working in the office until 4am and falling asleep in the office chair. It is probably not an accurate gauge of anything aside from the creator's inability to think before her vitamins and cup of coffee number two.
This quiz was presented by
The Work at Home Newsletter
workathomenewsletter.blogspot.comLabels: just for fun