Volume 1: Issue 7
October 15 - October 31, 2007
The Work @ Home Newsletter is dedicated to bringing its readers the best information I can find on working from home no matter what your profession or even if you are just starting to look into the possibility of an at home profession.
Ah yes, those of you paying attention will notice that the date is a little off looking. You are right, I have merged two weeks into a single newsletter here. I have decided that rather than scrap things out or have it all crumble or whatever else I will instead revise the newsletter into a bi-weekly format. The Work @ Home Newsletter will now be issued twice a month with a set theme that I will look at for those two weeks. This will make the newsletter easier for me to keep up with and make it more focused on the general subject matter that I want to cover in the newsletter for that issue. I have been finding myself out of time for a week's theme before I got a chance to cover what I had intended to cover, so let's move things up a little and give us two weeks instead, shall we?
In This Issue:
I will be looking at Business Travel. As I get ready for my trip down to the BlogWorld & New Media Expo in Las Vegas I am getting ready for my first business trip, which means that I need to go over a lot of beginner's things. I want to explore some of that in this issue of the newsletter and share some tips that I discover along the way.